My Philosophy
My approach to art is my life philosophy. Live every day with honesty, integrity and kindness.
Honesty: pricing takes into consideration not only materials and time, but also artistic value. I humbly consider my own skill level and life experience.
Integrity: from conception to creation, each of my pieces stems from the desire to make something useful while adding beauty to the world. If I don’t think a piece is up to my standards, I will make it again and again…and again…
Kindness: communication is the key to kindness. Pottery is unpredictable. I will never leave you in the dark and hope you won’t be afraid to ask me anything.
Small Batch
Artisanal Creations
Handcrafted Small Batch Artisanal Creations
Betty’s Promise
All creations are lovingly hand crafted and packaged. Direct contact with artist.
Local Source
All materials are sourced from local vendors.
Shipping of pieces by Joe and Jay at South Street Business Center!
Every piece is exactly as pictured. If there are any issues, contact artist directly.
Nothing goes to waste in the creation of these pieces. Unused clay is recycled. Packaging, when possible, is re-used, or otherwise recycled materials.
Listen, I’m that friend who collects the water from the dehumidifier and who brings reusable containers to restaurants.
My Story
I make stuff. If you can’t find me throwing clay in the studio, you’ll find me balancing on a chair stacked on top of a table installing tin ceilings. Or maybe you’ll find me in the garden relaying bricks for the conservatory. I like to put holes in walls. I dream. I create.
My endless need to create is what gives me life. The balancing on furniture thing is not so wise and I’ll have to take my gnarly construction man shoulder more seriously.
RESUME (in short): Artist, Potter, Activist, Yoga Teacher, Interior Designer, HGTV Designer, Creative Director, Architect, University of Pennsylvania Graduate.